Monday, March 2, 2015

The Importance of Good Ratings

On eBay, people from around the world are buying products. What a seller needs to keep in mind is they are also providing a service.

Buyers may have questions about the item, items may get lost in the mail, or the buyer may want to return the item. It is important to be provide top service to your customers so that they leave you a positive review, and hopefully, buy from you again. This means answering all messages promptly, and doing what you can to make sure the customer has a positive experience.

Buyers are more likely to purchase from someone who has positive ratings. I know I am often willing to pay more purely for the benefit of knowing I am dealing with a trustworthy seller.

Other benefits of positive reviews come from eBay. If you have strong sales, positive reviews, and follow eBay’s guideline, you could become a top rated seller. This is a great benefit because eBay gives you a discount on selling fees.
Everyone wins when you provide great service!


  1. You're a wealth of knowledge, Catalina! You break everything down so well and it seems so simple! How long have you been selling on eBay? Also, weren't there some eBay stores popping up a few years ago? Thanks for the great information.

  2. Very helpful blog! Ebay is such a cool site based off the saying "one man's trash is another man's treasure". Some people are able to really make a living buying and selling on Ebay, my dad included. I might just take these tips and try my hand at it.

  3. Love your blog and it really made a lot of sense to me. I think one could correlate this class with your blog as well. Open lines of communication and engagement are very important! Great post!

  4. I have never sold on Ebay, bought I have purchased some items! I always make sure that I leave a comment with positive ratings. I noticed that other websites like Etsy wants you to leave comments for the sellers as well!

  5. I tend to chose the person with the lowest ratio of negative feedback as well. It just seems safer when you are unable to see the person face-to-face.
