Monday, March 2, 2015

The Importance of Good Ratings

On eBay, people from around the world are buying products. What a seller needs to keep in mind is they are also providing a service.

Buyers may have questions about the item, items may get lost in the mail, or the buyer may want to return the item. It is important to be provide top service to your customers so that they leave you a positive review, and hopefully, buy from you again. This means answering all messages promptly, and doing what you can to make sure the customer has a positive experience.

Buyers are more likely to purchase from someone who has positive ratings. I know I am often willing to pay more purely for the benefit of knowing I am dealing with a trustworthy seller.

Other benefits of positive reviews come from eBay. If you have strong sales, positive reviews, and follow eBay’s guideline, you could become a top rated seller. This is a great benefit because eBay gives you a discount on selling fees.
Everyone wins when you provide great service!

Monday, February 16, 2015

The Most Important Tool for an eBay Seller

Knowing what will sell ,and for how much, is what every eBay seller would like to know.  This trick is the closest thing to it!

eBay has a tool which allows you to search items that have been sold, or not sold, and for how much. Not only that, it tells you the date on which the item was sold so you know how frequently it is selling.
To the right of the eBay search bar, there is a link that says “Advanced,” this takes you to the advance search options.

Here you can search for completed items, which is all listings that have ended whether they sold or not. This is a great tool because you can see what people are willing to pay, and what they are not willing to pay. It also allows you to see the different listing titles so you can compare them to see which ones worked the best.  You can even click on the listing to see how the item was described.
This tool will help you create a title, choose a price, and describe the item you’re selling!

Monday, February 2, 2015

What to Sell on eBay

The answer to this question is… just about anything.

My first several sales on eBay were items I had lying around the house that I wanted to get rid of. I had some old clothes, purses, and outdated electronics.   I recommend new seller to start off this way too! This way you are not investing in inventory, and are getting rid of items you don’t want anyway. This way you get accustomed to the process of selling before you start investing in merchandise.

When you are ready to begin investing in merchandise, here are my biggest tips:

Buy & sell brand name items. They are the most searched for items and the quickest to sell on eBay. If you buy them from the Salvation Army and other resale shops, you can often find great deals that will give you a high profit margin.

Shop at outlet malls ,clearanced items, or any clearance rack. Remember that just because it is on clearance doesn’t mean it is always a good deal.

My biggest recommendation as you begin selling is to sell what you know. This way you know you’ll be able to answer any questions a potential buyer may have about the item, and you will also know price points.

Knowing and understanding the fees associated with selling on eBay is important and necessary. The margin between the price you pay and the price you can sell the item for must cover the fees while leaving you with a profit.

Saturday, January 24, 2015

First Things First: The Four Essentials You Should Have Before You Get Started Selling on Ebay

Congratulations on deciding to start selling on eBay!
I am sure you are excited to begin listing items for sale, but before you do, make sure you have these things first!

An Account:
Many of you may already have an eBay account so this may seem like a no brainer, but if you have only made purchases and never sold anything, you probably still need to create a seller's account.
In addition to the eBay account, you will need a Paypal account, which is how you will receive payments from your future customers. Both eBay and Paypal will take you through, step by step to create your account, then ask you to verify your information.

Positive Feedback Score
A star is given to you after you have received 10 positive reviews on eBay. The star with the number of positive reviews is shown next to the user name. Buyers are hesitant to buy from a user who doesn't have a star, so if you are just getting started on eBay, you will want to acquire a star before you begin listing. Because stars are given from both buyers and sellers, the easiest way to get your first star is to purchase things on eBay and pay immediately. Most sellers leave positive feedback to their buyers right after receiving payment.
Shipping Supplies
This will vary depending on what you are shipping. Poly mailers, which are sealable plastic bags, are great for light, durable items like clothing. If you are going to sell something fragile, you'll need plenty of bubble wrap and a sturdy box (marked fragile!). I recommend buying your shipping supplies on eBay to get you a step closer to having a star by your username.

A Scale
This is extremely important! The amount you will pay to ship an item is dependent on the weight of the item. This will play a big role in pricing an item. When looking at scales, choose one that measures in ounces.

Once you have these four essentials, you are ready to begin! Make sure you read my next post, "What to Sell," coming soon! 
